Infrastructure for Enterprise Backoffice Process Management System (Kubernetes)
The Result
Built infrastructure for Enterprise Backoffice Process Management System in accordance with microservice architecture approaches. Further ongoing support, maintenance and modifying database and container orchestration clusters according to the changing industry’s and business requirements.
The Challenge
Fintech company has had to build infrastructure for its own new Enterprise Backoffice Process Management System. This system was created to replace the previous system built on outdated technologies. Infrastructure has had to be divided into dev/qa/uat/prod segments due to infosecurity requirements. Enterprise Backoffice Process Management System was integrated with other core systems via REST API, ODBC.

The Solution
The microservice architecture was implemented based on Kubernetes. According to infosecurity requirements 4 Kubernetes clusters for Dev, QA, UAT and Production environments with own infrastructure services for deployment (Gitlab CI) and artifact keeping (Sonatype Nexus) for each environment were provisioned there.
Technology Stack
Virtualization: VMware vSphere 6.7
Container-orchestration system: Kubernetes 1.21 (3 master nodes + 12 worker nodes based on CentOS) on premise installation. First installation was Kubernetes ver 1.18. Then was an upgrade to 1.21.
Deployment: helm charts (python generated). Each environment has its own GitlabCI server (ver 14.5). Deployment tasks run manually approved.
Artifact repository: Sonatype Nexus OSS 3.15.2-01. Each environment has its own Nexus repository due to infosec requirements. Artefacts (docker images) delivery managed by Jenkins tasks (Shell scripts)
Git repository: GitLab
DB: PostgreSQL 12.0 managed by Patroni cluster
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